Transform Your Future in Japan


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オンセミは米国フェニックスに本社を置く、グローバル展開する半導体メーカーです。 日本国内に、開発・製造・販売すべての機能があります。

Transform Your Future

At onsemi, we’re always looking for champions ready to drive meaningful progress. We seek people who are bigger and smarter than ourselves. That’s how we create a company of high-performance innovators that advance intelligent technology for a better future - for the planet, for our communities and for our people.

Letter From the CEO

This is an exciting time to be a part of our company as we embark on a transformational journey to revolutionize the semiconductor industry with a focus on driving intelligent power and sensing solutions to create a more sustainable ecosystem for future generations. We are looking to build a strong culture of innovators and forward, out-of-the-box thinkers interested in pushing the boundaries of expectation.

Job description

給与 ご経験やスキルを考慮し年俸を決定 職務等に応じ、インセンティブ・コーポレートボーナス等あり
勤務時間 7時間40分(休憩時間60分) 標準就業時間 製造拠点 8:30~17:10、それ以外 9:00~17:40
休日休暇 完全週休2日制(土・日)、夏季休暇5日、年末年始休暇、 年次有給休暇 (初年度15日、最大20日)、慶弔休暇 育児休暇、看護休暇、介護休暇
福利厚生 各種社会保険完備、在宅勤務制度、フレックスタイム勤務制度、社宅補助、通勤手当、人間ドック・予防接種補助、退職金制度
人事制度 英語学習支援、グローバル研修、各種E-learning、社内公募制度 昇給 年1回


半導体設計・開発 社内SE
営業・マーケティング 製造設備テクニシャン


All Locations

All Locations

Locations in Japan

Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya

The Tokyo SEC focuses on development of power management solutions for a broad variety of advanced electronic sub-systems. It provides development platforms and local product support to better service customers who design and manufacture electronic sub-systems in the region.


Located on Japan’s Honshu island, Aizu-Wakamatsu is the first integrated wafer fab to be constructed in Japan following its deregulation in the late 1980s. At 163k sqft, the clean room space at this manufacturing site is well equipped to produce a variety of different memory ICs, including CMOS based products across a range of generations.

Design Center

Gunma, a design center of onsemi, focuses on automotive, communications and industrial sectors. Located in the border between Japan and China, Gunma provides access to a wide pool of talented engineering talent from both countries. Gunma was obtained in 2011 as part of SANYO Semiconductor acquisition.

Design Center

Gifu site is a product development site for new products, specifically regarding our Gunma site. That means that with this site, we may develop new products and create new ideas.


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