onsemi has an Ethics and Compliance Program designed to prevent and detect violations of its Code of Business Conduct, other standards of conduct and the law while maintaining an organizational culture which encourages ethical conduct. onsemi has established avenues for parties internal and external to the company to raise Ethics and Compliance concerns or incidents to the chief compliance officer, or the Ethics and Compliance Group with respect to onsemi employees, directors and third parties doing business with or on behalf of the company. If you have a concern of this nature, you may report it anonymously, where allowed by local law, by using any of the means provided below.

onsemi Non-Retaliation Policy

At onsemi, we have a firm non-retaliation policy, intended to encourage and protect good faith reporters. This means that any victimization or retaliatory behavior is prohibited against those who report a concern, seek guidance or participate in an investigation. We believe it is important to create an environment where employees are not afraid to speak up about issues and that it is to everyone’s benefit for such concerns to be resolved in a professional and timely manner.

How to Contact Us

onsemi Ethics and Compliance Helpline

The Ethics and Compliance Helpline is available by phone toll-free 24 hours a day, seven days a week. When using the Helpline, you may request to remain anonymous, where allowed by local law. Translators are available in all languages spoken by onsemi employees and directors. The Helpline is subject to local laws and regulations.

The onsemi Helpline is available online or by telephone. For information about contacting the Helpline, visit helpline.onsemi.com.


Attn: Ethics and Compliance Group, M/D-A700
5701 N Pima Road
Scottsdale, AZ 85250

Attn: onsemi Chief Compliance Officer
onsemi Law Department, M/D-A700
5701 N Pima Road
Scottsdale, AZ 85250


onsemi's Chief Compliance Officer: CCO@onsemi.com

The Ethics Program: ethics@onsemi.com

The Legal Compliance Program: legal.compliance@onsemi.com

Privacy Concerns: privacy@onsemi.com

Code of Business Conduct

Code of Business Conduct

Powered by our values